Picture of As someone graduating with no prior summer vacation work, would I be able to apply for the summer and grad program?

As someone graduating with no prior summer vacation work, would I be able to apply for the summer and grad program?

8 responses

Nilan M. asked during the live chat IGO Graduate and Vacation Student Live Chat Event to IGO Limited

Category: Internship

Date asked: Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Last reviewed: Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Alex K.

Graduate - Environment

Yes definitely.I didn't have any mining experience at all and managed to get the graduate role.
But it helps if you can point towards other examples of where you have demonstrated skills like teamworking, leadership, etc

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Nilan M.

Thank you! So most my work has been in the labs working in the USA analysing ice-core and oxygen isotopes and methane seepages. As well as XRD of minerals which I did here in Australia do you think any of this is relevent experience to what work is conducted in the mines

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Alex K.

Graduate - Environment

That sounds very interesting and definitely something to mention in your application. Which area would you be interested in applying for?

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Onyedika E.

I do have drilling and processing engineering experience in the oil and gas/energy industry back in Africa, but I am currently an international student studying masters of Mining engineering here in Kalgooorlie Western Australia, I have also applied for IGO vacation program seeing that IGO values matches with my future aspirations of being part of the green energy revolution, I also submitted a cover letter outlining this, do I stand a chance of being given an opportunity at IGO Vacation program being an international student

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Nilan M.

My interests lie in the geology area or within the environmental sector! I am happy with either or!

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Alex K.

Graduate - Environment

Great, your experience sounds very relevant to geology although I am no expert. There is also crossover between geology and environment so this could definitely be an option for you

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Nilan M.

Yep - would you have any idea as to what cross-over role i would be in a in what would i call myself potentially? an Environmental Geologist?
Just curious as I havent really seen many cross-over roles advertised, its either mining geology, or environmental

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Alex K.

Graduate - Environment

Sorry I meant that people have crossed from one role to another, I don't know of anyone working in both camps but there are environmental staff who have a background in geology

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

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