I'm ex ADF member & 15yrs in WAPOL, looking to change direction. Lacking mining background. Where is best to start?
Cameron H. asked a question to IGO Limited
Category: Application issues
Date asked: mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Last reviewed: mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Paul F.
Work Health and Safety Manager - Cosmos
Some of that experience (including the ADF) is definitely transferrable. Obviously, if there are two candidates available for a position and one is experienced it may be perceived as preferable. That said I came into mining with no direct experience in more of a training capacity and found most of my background useful. There are a couple of ways to tackle this - I was upfront in my application. I also stressed that I have worked away from home before to address that concern.
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Paul F.
Work Health and Safety Manager - Cosmos
Looking at temporary opportunities is another way to gain some experience. There are several companies that specialise in shutdowns and temp labour. A friend of mine gained some experience in this manner and was able to augment their CV to get a permanent position.
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Cameron H.
I would add, I have previously applied for WHS roles with Boart Longyear and ATCO but the roles where changed at the last stages and made them unsuitable although being down to the final two candidates on both occassions.
I have been upfront about my time spent on deployment and being in similar environments to sites as in- living in a tent for 18 month and not an airconditioned room.
I have recently been looking at exploration type roles, seeing that they may be more remote and having high level reporting skills, but I do find it difficult to find deep detail on many roles.
I have considered temp/ contract work, but with a transition from full time work & mortgage it is something that seems to have a certain amount of risk associated with it
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Paul F.
Work Health and Safety Manager - Cosmos
Sounds like if you are getting down to the final two then you must be on the right track. I agree temp work is a risk in your position. I think your exploration and drilling strategy also makes sense. There are a huge number of companies out there and a real need for capable professionals.
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Cameron H.
Is there anything you would recommend in thrying to make my application/ resume more appealing?
I have confined spaces, working at heights, DGSC, First AId.. 4WD, drove tanks and armoured vehicles through iraq for a few years lol.. I just feel like I'm missing something for exploration style roles which I could likely remedy, but just dont have enough background knowledge to obtain completely relevant experience
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Kate M.
Manager Talent and Capability
It sounds like you have some strong experience. In terms of a resume my advice would be to keep it clear, concise and relevant to the role you are applying to.
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Cameron H.
My Resume was professionally compiled, I may have to revisit that I guess
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Paul F.
Work Health and Safety Manager - Cosmos
Personally, I like to see achievements not job descriptions on a resume (not sure how yours reflects this). I was given advice that this is a personal story. Sometimes a professionally compiled resume misses this touch. That said if you are getting through to the interview stage it has done its job so it might be the next step that you want to get advice on.
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Cameron H.
Thanks for your thoughts, I will have a look back over my resume and additional qualifications to try and re-assess.
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Paul F.
Work Health and Safety Manager - Cosmos
Good luck with it Cameron.
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Cameron H.
Appreciate your time, I'll have registered for the network & opportunities so who knows what the future will bring
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
Paul F.
Work Health and Safety Manager - Cosmos
Emergency Response positions play a big part on mine sites - this is another pathway you might want to consider.
mercredi, juin 14, 2023
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