Anonymous asked a question to Jessica M.
Category: General
Date asked: Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Last reviewed: Thursday, April 18, 2024
Jessica M.
Exploration Geologist
This is a quite a layered answer! Within IGO, the exploration team can be considered as one big team, but there are also smaller teams within that who focus on different projects and initiatives. The work that I do runs parallel to several projects, this means I get to collaborate with a variety of projects and people when I am working on something that is relevant to exploration as a whole, however, on a day-to-day basis I have a smaller team I work with closely for my own project. These are the people I turn to for advice, to discuss ideas and plan for the future with. So each day is different as to whether I am working independently, closely with my small immediate team, or meeting with the teams from other projects under the exploration "umbrella". There is never a dull moment!
Personally, I believe it's important to keep up conversation with the people around me and check-in with them to make sure everything is going ok, whether with work or life - we're all busy with a lot on our plates so it's crucial to make sure you're mindful of your colleague's wellbeing. You don't know what pressures they're juggling, and making it known that you're happy to help them where you can will go a long way.
From a more technical perspective, I value transparency and keeping my colleagues up-to-date with what I'm working on. If this involves distributing complex information, I will never assume prior knowledge - there is nothing worse than being made to feel like you should know something when you shouldn't! I would rather the delivery of complex information be inclusive and understanding of other's workloads, making sure there is a safe space for question asking, digestible infographics, and the dedication to taking the time to go over things properly with patience.
Everyone, whether in your immediate or extended teams, should feel supported, included, and heard!
Thursday, April 18, 2024